We're no longer updating this content. Check QuickFile Version 6 for information about this product.
Here is a list of hidden features in QuickFile:
1. File Original with Reply: Chances are that when you reply to an email, you would like both the reply and the original filed in the same folder. When you reply to an email QuickFile can automatically file your original to the same folder as your reply. Please follow the steps below to us this feature:
*Reply to an existing email and click Send so that QuickFiles Send&File screen is displayed.
*Click the Show Option hyperlink (bottom right corner of screen)
*Tick the box labeled File original Received Email with Sent Email.
*Click Send & File.
2. Create Tasks or Appointments from Emails: This feature is available in the trial and PRO versions of QuickFile. Extra buttons (Quick-Task and Quick-Appointment) have been added to your toolbar to allow this.
To display the buttons:
*Select Tools menu -> Standss -> QuickFile -> Settings...
*Click on the View tab.
*Tick the boxes labeled Quick-Task and Quick-Appointment.
*Click OK
(You will also notice that there are other features which you can enable and disable following the exact steps above)
3. Below is a list of key Shortcuts in QuickFile:
*Hold the SHIFT button and click the One Click button to copy the selected email to the folder i.e. the email will remain in the current folder but a copy will be filed.
*Hold the CTRL button and click the One Click button to move to the folder i.e. the email will not be moved or copied but the contents of that folder will be displayed.
*When using the Quick-Task button, hold the SHIFT button and click the Quick-Task button to do quick-task on the email and then delete the email.
*When using the Quick-Appointment button, hold the SHIFT button and click the Quick- Appointment button to do quick- appointment on the email and then delete the email.
*You can re-index the folders either from the Choose another folder screen or from the Find & Goto Folder screen by pressing Alt+R on your keyboard without having to go to the settings screen.
4. Use QuickFile to file email(s) to multiple folders at once.
*On the QuickFile settings screen -> General tab
*For Multi Select mode in QuickFile, select the 2nd option "Show link to Multiple-Select (with Multiple-Select on)" and click OK
*Now if you do a QuickFile, you will see check-boxes which you can tick to select multiple folders.
*Select multiple folders and click Move button to file them